An application that enables you to calculate the rates of all levels of the preparatory school, as well as the common and first gradesGeneral and international scientificThe second is a baccalaureate in all subjects and coursesIt is also possible to record pointsAnd keep it on the phoneIt can be used by several people at different levelsYou can also keep the application on the phone from the first preparatory stage to the second preparatory levelFree and without internetHow to calculate ratesFirst: choose the wire and levelSecond: Click on the Add or Delete subject button to add physical education and the rest of the development subjectsThird: Click the Save Points and Calculate Averages buttonFourth: At the top right, choose the courseFifth: Enter all the points you obtained plus expected points for the assignments you have not yet passed. Do not forget the points for the integrated activities, as they are important and have varying percentages from one subject to another. Reference Al-Mukrah 142Sixth: The application calculates the rates and saves the points and also the rates automatically after holding or changing any point.Seventh: General averages can also be calculated based on the point averages for each subjectIn the event of any change in the notes regulating exams and assignments by the Ministry, the application must be updated to obtain the latest updates.